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@KTzone » 歌詞庫 » Blue October Blue October » 生命進行式 (Approaching Normal) » Weight Of The World

歌 手: Blue October (Blue October)

歌 曲: Weight Of The World (專 輯:生命進行式 (Approaching Normal))

上傳會員: ntt123

日 期: 2009 - 3

歌 詞
作曲:J. Furstenfeld   
   A blackout in the room again  
a busted lip and broken skin.  
I wake up in the bathroom  
and dare not bother asking  
why the mirror's craked and all I see  
are shards of glass inside of me.  
There's voices there to dare me,  
my father's here to scare me.  
My mother sits beyond the door she's  
curled up crying on the floor,  
look at what her son's done.  
When the weight of all the world's gone wrong.  
It's gone wrong again.  
Gone fucking wrong.  
It's gone wrong again.  
Well liars they leave a guilty trail.  
And let me tell you something people,  
I've been lying for fucking years.  
That must be why I'm standing in this space.  
Disregarding that I've created these monsters  
they're on fucking both of my sides,  
So I wipe the blood from both of their eyes.  
From all four of their eyes.  
And while I wait for wounds to heal  
I see you by the window sil,  
your heart's torn out  
a plastic spoon  
when honesty lit up that room  
so I stole the pillowcase to clean  
this mess I've made of someones dream.  
Now you've seen what I've done,  
when the weight of all the world's gone wrong.  
It's gone wrong again  
gone fucking wrong  
it's gone all wrong again.  
This room is old and wise  
I fall onto the bed and wonder,  
'How did I get here?'  
The little boy who would argue with a tree  
just fucking thump his head  
and he'll turn back to normal.  
Now why is that what I see?  
Don't bother trusting  
don't bother waiting  
don't bother changing things that won't give into changing  
just let me go away.  
I'm packed  
I'm down  

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